Saturday 10 December 2016

Spiritual Problems,astrology, horoscopes, money, love spells, magic, rituals, voodoo

Archive | Victim With Spiritual Problems



Victims of Black Magic:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was at one time in his beautiful live affected by black magic, but Allah had sent down Surrahs to combat Black Magic. The point I'm trying to make is, do not be so naive and think you cannot be harmed by Black Magic. Because indeed you and anyone else in this world can.

As with all diseases Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has made a cure. Some cures we still seek, but the cure for the Spiritual problems caused by Black Magic, we have the cure, ALHAMDULILLAH.
Everything is in the hands of Allah (Swt). There is nothing neither I nor you can do without having the help of Allah (swt) and be successful at it. Same goes with Black Magic. The final decision lays In Allahs (swt) hands but if indeed you are affected by Black Magic, Inshallah you soon will be cured. Have faith in HE, who created you, have faith in HE who created this world, have faith in HE, who sent down the Angels Harut and Marut to Babylon with the knowledge of Black Magic. But neither of these taught anyone such things without saying "we are only for trial; so do no “blaspheme". They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah’s Permission. (Surrah Al-Baqarah: Verse 102).
What I provide you are tools, nothing but mere assistance. These tools, this assistance along with your faith in Allah (swt) Inshallah will give you the cure you seek.


 (Please note, after a full spiritual investigation is when one can be labeled as a victim of black magic, some issues can be simple cases of Medical Problem)
1. Drifting further away from religion
2. Not wanting to do Salat (Namaz/Prayer) or becomes difficult
3. Body, soul, feeling anger, abnormal, annoyed when listening to Quran
4. Having difficulty reciting the Quran when you always had recited it without difficulty in the past
5. Feeling of burning, hotness, fatigue, anger, sadness, when doing anything related to prayers
6. Suddenly things going well become bad, like marriage proposals go from "yes" to "no"
7. People Loyal to you, turn away from you
8. Different personalities
9. When looking in mirror feeling like another person
10. Someone you would not think twice about, buy suddenly can't get them off your mind.
11. Feeling as you have stopped living, as you have hit a brick wall, everything just stopped and got out of order
12. Sudden illness
13. Slowly moving forward in life, everything is boring or saddens you
14. Scared, fear & anxious
15. Anger, negativity in actions and thinking, outside of your character
16. Bad Memory (Check for Memory increasing Talisman)
17. Feeling imbalanced, not like yourself
18. Suddenly Always tired
19. Certain part of body gets sore, muscle twitching, odd occurrences to your body
20. Chills and goose bumps suddenly
21. Insomnia, having hard time resting, sleepy throughout the day
22. Sudden Nightmares and unusual dreams
23. People reacting negatively towards you, even when being nice, people think your being rude/mean
24. Sudden bad luck, things turn bad quickly and suddenly
25. Sudden accidents
26. You feel other people wish not to be around/near you
27. Conflicts and confrontations arise unexpectedly; people seem to be acting strange toward you
28. Career problems, including a block in the influx of money
***  This is about 25% of the symptoms, please understand a full spiritual investigation must be done to know for certain, if your symptoms are in-fact caused/related by Black-Magic.




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