Sunday, 11 December 2016

Ring of Intimacy Enhancement-Shop ,djinn female genie,marid djinn,genie

Ring of Intimacy Enhancement (For Married Couples Only)

 $ 800.00

Product Description


Before I speak of this new item, I will clearly state, it is not my job to make a man feel macho about himself, nor to raise ones ego by making him better in the intimacy department. This ring is to HELP married couples ONLY. I will ask for proof of marriage, as I have had before in the past when I sold on ebay. If you do not like my tactics, please go anywhere else. I make items to HELP people, not to help one sin or harm others.

I will speak of this new item, as an experience from another, in kind of a story format, as I feel this will describe this item best.

7 years ago I had visited a friend of mine in Lebanon. This friend of mine owned a shop that sold stones, rings, talisman supplies (as I still use this store till this day to order supplies for some of the items I currently make). Every morning I would go to my friends shop, and we would drink coffee and we would speak of some of the items in his store, and related issues. This shop was very popular among Sheikhs, and spiritual healers. Many practitioner would also leave there items they themselves made at my friends shop, for him to sell, due to the heavy traffic follow to his store, like a consignment.

One morning the shop owner’s friend came in the shop, he looked very depressed, and sad. As I did not know him, I kept to myself, and did not ask any questions, mostly listened. The owner of the shop whose name is Ahmed, asked his friend, why he looked so upset. He started telling him, he was having martial

issues. Ahmed asked, was the fighting, and was it financial, what was the problem? His friend quietly said it was more intimacy related. He stated his wife was fed up, and wanted to leave him, so Ahmed asked more in depth of the issue, his friend got quiet, and waited to talk, moments later he said he hadn't made love to his wife for almost a year. Since I was listening, I asked him if i could ask a few questions, the owner of the shop jumped in, and told him that I was a Sheikh, and that I help people. Sheikhs are very common in Lebanon, they teach religion, work in Mosques, and some also study in spiritual issues, and make Talismans/Taweez/Hijabs (etc.)

I started asking what kind of job he did, I asked this question to rule out the possibility of him being tired because of work, due to the fact he might have a Labor related job, that involves much physical work, thus causing him to be fatigued, lethargic, and tiresome when coming home, as all these would definitely affects ones sexual performance, especially if a man is of age. He stated he had an office job that consisted mostly of computer work. So i realized that work related fatigue was not one of the issues.

Then I asked him if he had any medical illness. I am far from a Doctor, but men due come realize that certain medical problems can also affects ones sexual performance. He stated he was healthy, (that he did look), and he was not over weight, as I myself noticed that. He said he did not work out, but would take occasional walks 3x a week, just to keep his "tummy" down, the man did look physically fit, so I realized the possibility of a medical issue was slim, but when he told me had visited a doctor and got some blood work done and all came well, I realized he indeed he was healthy. The Dr gave him some medicine, but he stated it was much too expensive, and did not want to take medication every-time he wanted to be intimate with his wife.

From there I asked him if was there any stress related issues, at work, at home, with money, anything stressful, since stress can cause one to think much, also causing sexual difficulties. He stated work was fine, he was not rich by any means, but they made enough money to eat, and pay their bills, ( as in many countries in the Middle East, working and having food on the table, and a roof over your head is plenty). They had one child, who was healthy, and went to school. He said no one’s life is perfect and some stress in life is normal, but nothing was so stressful to him, that it would bring him to a point that would affect him being intimate with his wife.

Lastly I asked him if he was attracted to his wife, he laughed, he said his wife was very pretty. She was 8 years younger than him, very fashionable, and indeed he was very attracted to her.

As these are some of the reason that can affect a man, and even a women negatively when it comes to being intimate with your spouse.

So not trying to get to personal I asked him, some details of his personal issue, he said, when it comes to for them to get intimate he is ready, and willing, but when it comes time for him to do his part, he can't, nothing happens, hours can go by but nothing. A year of this he said is enough, and he himself stated, any man with such an issue should not be married.

I was aware of a specific stone that Ahmed had at his store. The stone has multiple uses, but in ring form, and a week worth of preparation, when prepared it can help men with such problems as spoke of above, but after ruling out all other issues, as I did, that can cause sexual difficulties for a man.

I had told him to come back in 7-10 days. Well on the 8th day the man came back to my friend (Ahmeds) shop. I had finished the ring the day before, and left it at the shop, Ahmed never informed his friend of it, as I am sure he was aware his friend would be there within the time frame given. His friend came and we sat down and spoke, he was shy to ask if I had anything to give him, as i clearly noticed this, so I asked Ahmed to bring out the ring that I dropped off at the shop the day before. I gave the ring to the man, i told him what hand and finger to wear the ring, along with another very small instruction, and told him to let us know what happens within 10 days.

7 days has passed and as usual I was at my friends shop, the phone rang, sure enough it was the man we had given the ring to. Ahmed laughed and told him that I was there in the shop as well, and if he had any news to give us. The man said “I swear you have saved me. You have no idea what you have done for me, you have saved my marriage, and my wife and I are so happy, with the intimacy problem going away, our love life, or bond in general has gotten better!" (I put his exact words in English to the best of my abilities)

So my friend jokingly asked some other details, and we can to find out, that he was being intimate with his wife 3x a day, every day. Now this is where I had to ruin the good mood and interfere. I started by telling him, that this ring was not to make him to some sexual animal, but it was to help. I explained to him that this ring works, by getting you to your old self, as you were, when you were able to be intimate with your wife without any help. I explained to him more in details of how the ring works, i told him once the ring takes full hold on your energy, yes it does make you capable of being intimate with their wife much more than normal, or then you had been in the past, but this all fades down to the way you were, when you could be intimate with your wife with no help of an item. I explained eventually the ring energy would go down, but not to the point where he could not be intimate with his wife, but to the point of how he was when he was when he first met, how he was when he needed no help of a item to be intimate with his wife. I told him he needed to get a hold on himself, because when the energy starts going down, and you go from being intimate 3x a day every day to being intimate 1 x a day every day, or 3, 4 days a week, or how ever you were when all was well, your wife will start to wonder, might start thinking you are maybe cheating, or maybe not as attracted, or whatever else, and then he would have other problems.

Finally I stated to him once again, to control himself, and when his energy starts to settle down, and all is well, just take the ring of and put away, because now your energy is content, and there is no need to keep the ring on, because it will do nothing. As the main purpose of the ring is to get you back to the state you were, when you could be intimate with your spouse as you were, when no help was needed from a item, either that being 3 x a day, or 3 x a week, and that once you are back to that level the ring was no longer needed.

He agreed and gave his thanks.

SPIRITUAL GUARDIAN RING-SHOP,Trust Spells,Healing Spells,Diet Spells,Death Spells,Jann Djinn,Solomon Djinn,VETALA Djinn,SILA Djinn,GHOUL Djinn,‘Ifrit Djinn,Psychic abilities

SPIRITUAL GUARDIAN RING (no entity attached)                                          $300.00                    



 Product Description.



Today I present a rare, unique and powerful item. Before I explain what this item is, I would like to make it clear that anyone who wishes to purchase this item must email me first. This item DOES NOT WORK FOR EVERYONE.

The most ultimate protection is from Allah subhanawa ta'ala , anyone who puts more faith in something created and not the creator is sure to be doomed.

The item I present today has the “ENERGY” of a 650 years old entity attached to it. THE ACTUAL JINN does NOT reside in the ring and does not need to for the purpose this ring is created for, but a portion of its energy does. During our spiritual journey, one can run into a vast amount of problems from other entities and negative energies. They push us off the spiritual road we are going on, make us focus more on other life issues, causing one to be lazy in their spiritual journey.

Such entities can also bring harm to us during our Amal (ritual), for the simple reason, they wish for us to stop doing what we are doing. The ring I present today has the energy of a strong and old entity attached to it, thus giving one ultimate protection in their spiritual journey. This ring must be used by someone who is practicing/learning about spirituality & the unseen world and who has done or plans to do Amals (rituals) in the near future. While this item will not keep every negative entity and energy away from you, it will indeed give you a great, great amount of protection from them, IF ALLAH WILLS.

Many times I have people email me and say they are scared to do an Amal/ritual. For the simple reason they do not wish to be harmed, right away I tell these people to put their Faith in Allah and not to even think about being in this field until their mind and soul is so strong that they have so much faith in our creator and they fear nothing. Until one gets to this point, please stay away from the spirituality & paranormal or metaphysical field. Entities can sense our fears; YES they can sense it as we sense things in our world. And fear fuels an entity, so do not fear. The ones who have got to this level still need protection and if anyone disagrees indeed you’re a fool. One must realize that the best protection & the ultimate protection is from Allah subhanawa ta'al alone and everything else can ONLY assist us if ALLAH wills, that being said, even the ones who are at a very high spiritual level need protection when doing various amals/rituals, cleansing & healing. Just a simple cleaning alone can bring negativity to the healer, so a protection item such as this is used by veteran healers around the world. A Djinn/Jinn is not needed to protect from such things, in fact I feel Jinn should only be used fully when it is life or death situation (When one has to combat a large number of dark demonic entity attack) but the energy of such true pious entities can be of a great benefit if properly used for the right purpose and in this case it is used for protection.   

One must realize that we also must take the proper steps when it comes to protecting ourselves. Would you go in a war zone fighting 500 men with guns and bombs, all alone, saying that Allah will protect me fully from all of them? Most likely not. That is sheer stupidity. Allah tells us, “help yourself and I will help you. ALLAH HELPS THE ONES WHO HELP THEMSELVES. For this reason various items are used as assistance when doing various rituals, amals, cleansing & healings, etc. Amulets, taweez, talisman do assist somewhat, but when one is working against negative entities, is doing various amals and rituals to help others; protection as this item gives is phenomenal.


Djinn Jinn Khodam muwakil-Shop

Djinn Jinn Khodam Muwakil Conjuration Summoning (Haziri) Course (Your own Ritual)



Product Description

Time after time I get asked; how can I conjure my own djinn/jinn, mokel. Many seem to think by simply doing a special ritual you are sure to have success in obtaining an entity; surely this is far from the truth. One can do every conjuration/summoning/haziri Amal in the book, but if their spirituality is not high enough they will never have any success (Unless if Allah wills). I personally have known individuals who have spent YEARS and have had no success.

That being said, the course I offer today is designed to help one in their Jinn/Muwakil Haziri Amal. The need of a teacher while doing an conjuration to get an entity under one’s command is a must, the teachers job is at times far harder than the student who is doing the ritual, the teacher job consist of :

  • Fasting right along with the student.
  • Correcting any mistakes the student may have made during the ritual.
  • Making sure no harm is brought to student or to ones close to them.
  • As the student performs the daily ritual, the teacher must also at the same time do a similar ritual so the student has a higher chance of success.
  • The teacher must do an additional 2 (two) weeks’ worth of work after the student is done with the ritual. Success or not, the teacher must do this 2 weeks ritual to make sure no harm is brought to the student or the family, as well as to make sure the student has obtained some spiritual awareness even if they did not succeed fully in their ritual.

Having a teacher is crucial and majority of the people who do not succeeded in their conjurations and or start having spiritual issues is because they did not have a teacher. The course I present today will also include:

A “2 (two) weeks preparing course” that will be done prior to doing the actual ritual. The purpose of this is to increase the chances of success, as well as provide extra protection that is very well needed when doing any conjuration/summoning/haziri.

Now if you already have a specific amal/ritual that you want to do but just need “a teacher guide” I will still assist you as a teacher should, but if you do not have a specific ritual you want to do, then I will charge an additional $100 to see what ritual works best for you. You can choose to do a ritual for Djinn/Jinn/Khodam/Muwakil, it is up to you.

I will not say if you take this course you are guaranteed to get an entity under your command. Absolutely not. NO ONE can guarantee that you or anyone else is sure to get an entity after doing a specific ritual, if this was remotely possible then having an entity under your command would be so very common. My job is to make sure you and the ones close to you are well protected, and doing all I can to enhance your chances of a successful ritual.


I can only do one student at a time, so before purchasing please contact me to check for availability. 


This course is ONLY for one TRYING to obtain an entity.


Saturday, 10 December 2016

Spiritual Problems,astrology, horoscopes, money, love spells, magic, rituals, voodoo

Archive | Victim With Spiritual Problems



Victims of Black Magic:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was at one time in his beautiful live affected by black magic, but Allah had sent down Surrahs to combat Black Magic. The point I'm trying to make is, do not be so naive and think you cannot be harmed by Black Magic. Because indeed you and anyone else in this world can.

As with all diseases Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has made a cure. Some cures we still seek, but the cure for the Spiritual problems caused by Black Magic, we have the cure, ALHAMDULILLAH.
Everything is in the hands of Allah (Swt). There is nothing neither I nor you can do without having the help of Allah (swt) and be successful at it. Same goes with Black Magic. The final decision lays In Allahs (swt) hands but if indeed you are affected by Black Magic, Inshallah you soon will be cured. Have faith in HE, who created you, have faith in HE who created this world, have faith in HE, who sent down the Angels Harut and Marut to Babylon with the knowledge of Black Magic. But neither of these taught anyone such things without saying "we are only for trial; so do no “blaspheme". They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah’s Permission. (Surrah Al-Baqarah: Verse 102).
What I provide you are tools, nothing but mere assistance. These tools, this assistance along with your faith in Allah (swt) Inshallah will give you the cure you seek.


 (Please note, after a full spiritual investigation is when one can be labeled as a victim of black magic, some issues can be simple cases of Medical Problem)
1. Drifting further away from religion
2. Not wanting to do Salat (Namaz/Prayer) or becomes difficult
3. Body, soul, feeling anger, abnormal, annoyed when listening to Quran
4. Having difficulty reciting the Quran when you always had recited it without difficulty in the past
5. Feeling of burning, hotness, fatigue, anger, sadness, when doing anything related to prayers
6. Suddenly things going well become bad, like marriage proposals go from "yes" to "no"
7. People Loyal to you, turn away from you
8. Different personalities
9. When looking in mirror feeling like another person
10. Someone you would not think twice about, buy suddenly can't get them off your mind.
11. Feeling as you have stopped living, as you have hit a brick wall, everything just stopped and got out of order
12. Sudden illness
13. Slowly moving forward in life, everything is boring or saddens you
14. Scared, fear & anxious
15. Anger, negativity in actions and thinking, outside of your character
16. Bad Memory (Check for Memory increasing Talisman)
17. Feeling imbalanced, not like yourself
18. Suddenly Always tired
19. Certain part of body gets sore, muscle twitching, odd occurrences to your body
20. Chills and goose bumps suddenly
21. Insomnia, having hard time resting, sleepy throughout the day
22. Sudden Nightmares and unusual dreams
23. People reacting negatively towards you, even when being nice, people think your being rude/mean
24. Sudden bad luck, things turn bad quickly and suddenly
25. Sudden accidents
26. You feel other people wish not to be around/near you
27. Conflicts and confrontations arise unexpectedly; people seem to be acting strange toward you
28. Career problems, including a block in the influx of money
***  This is about 25% of the symptoms, please understand a full spiritual investigation must be done to know for certain, if your symptoms are in-fact caused/related by Black-Magic.




Friday, 9 December 2016

Body Physics – Human & Djinn – Matter & Energy

Scientific Explanation of Human & Jinn physical body



Why Jinn is generally invisible


ALLAH (swt) reveals in the Holy Quran that the creation of the human is a miracle. The first human being was created by Allah shaping clay into human form and breathing a soul into it:
He created man from sounding clay like the clay of pottery. [55:14]
We created man from an extract of clay. [23:12]
And the Jinn He created from a smokeless flame of fire. [55:15]
Now we will try to explain the term “clay” and “flame of fire” in scientific way.
he term clay (material + water) refers to a naturally occurring material composed primarily of fine-grained minerals. When the human body is examined today, it may be discovered that many elements present on the earth are also to be found in the body.
Living tissues contain 95% carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, with a total of 26 different elements.

At atomic level, human body is made up almost entirely of 13 elements. Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen make up 96% of our body’s mass. The other 4% of body weight is composed almost entirely of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, and iodine.
The Arabic word "sulala," translated as "extract" in the verse, means "representative example, essence." As we have seen, the information revealed in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago confirms what modern science tells us-the fact that the same elements are employed in human creation as those found in the soil.
Therefore, human life originated in a substance which was a mixture of earth and water which, in the course of time, developed into man. Human body is made of matter & has some determine shape and size.
Smoke free fire/flame of fire :

Basically fire is the release of energy when Oxygen bonds with. The energy is released in a broad spectrum -- many wavelengths. Fire is matter emitting energy in a self-sustaining reaction, or the energy that comes from such reactions, or the reaction itself.
It’s "matter releasing energy", "an energy flow" and "a process". A flame has both matter and energy.
Matter is the molecules of the gas, Oxygen, Carbon, which combine and release radiation by combining, which radiation heats the whole gas/air mixture.
Energy in the flame is in the form of heat, i.e. kinetic energy of the molecules, plus in the form of electromagnetic radiation, photons, both infrared and visible.

Fire is composed of several states of energy and matter, like sublimated matter turning into gases; or photons released on oxidization of matter; or sound is released via turbulence from convection; plasma occurs whenever the temperature ionizes atomic bonds and Sooty.
Jinn are described as having "bodies of essential flame", or "smokeless flame", or "smokeless fire", i.e. a compound of matter/ non-matter and form. So, Jinn is able to materialize or disappear at will. Due to their existing at a different vibratory rate, they are not normally visible to us or detectable by us.

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Djinn/Jinn in True Form,djinn female, marid djinn, conjuring djinn,

A Djinn’s/Jinn’s true form can be seen by mages, practitioners and on rare occasion "a high level psychic". When a practitioner sees a djinn, it is with his or her eyes open. In other words, it will appear in 3D so they cannot be mistaken by whether it was your imagination or not. Other intuitive may sees them with their mind’s eye which may or may not be accurate. And when a djinn appears as a humanoid that is merely a disguise to not scare their human masters. Many times, those who have seen it with their eyes open, don’t discuss it. The ones who have seen them have either gone crazy, got frightened, or developed other Psychiatric problems. To see their true form, one must do months and months of preparation. There are a lot of debates on the internet as what their true form is and what “true form” means. But many of these people have not seen what a djinn with their eyes open, under heavily guarded rituals.
It is a Djinn, it is not a human. Their world is unseen to us for many reason and one of them is due to their appearance.
Djinn are very frightening. Now I always hear people say, "Oh my djinn is beautiful" or " no not my djinn, he does not looks scary". First of all I highly doubt these people have a djinn and secondly, when a Djinn does approach a person, they will approach that person in a form that will not scare the person too much, but in some conjurations and invoking of djinns, when they appear they might appear in their true from, usually in hopes the person will turn away and not call upon the djinn any further. But if they stay strong during this time, the djinn will either change into a more human like image or in some cases they will just stay in their true form, this usually depends on the ritual, one is doing.
I have done ritual where the Djinn came in a human like appearance and i have done rituals where the djinn has come in a very scary appearance.


Many people do not know what a djinn is, so they do not know what class to put them in. Islam speaks in detail about the djinn in the Quran, so a person that is not familiar with the Quran might have a different impression of djinn. Overall, the religions that do speak of djinn pretty much classify them the same, it is just culture, individuals that make them more complicated than they should be. Some cultures speak of dragons, some speak of werewolves, some speak of vampires. Perhaps to them these might be djinns or maybe a supernatural being, but djinn are known as masters of disguise, so very well it could be a djinn taking a specific form as witnessed by other people. Therefore, they call what they see. Maybe a werewolf, maybe a snake dragon, but to me it's just a djinn taking an odd form.
Djinns can take the form of almost anything; man, creature, insect, bird, movie star, anything they wish, as GOD has allowed them such powers.
All Djinn are frightening to look at. But they can change their appearance in many ways. I have heard many many situations where a person invoked a djinn by a specific wazifa (ritual) and once the djinn appeared they got so scared that they suffered from mental problems or encountered others problems in their lives due to the fear.
This is why I tell many people, no need to invoke a djinn and if you want to do it so badly; have a teacher (amil, murshad) backing you up just in case things go wrong. 99% of the time when a person does a ritual on their own, islamic or not, calling upon a muslim djinn or not, either they are unsuccessful or get scared to a point, it ruins their lives.
Just think for a minute. Allah (swt) has not allowed us to see them and this is for many reasons, perhaps their images can be one.

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What is Djinn or Jinn

Jinns (also spelled djinns) or genies are supernatural creatures that can shape-shift and provide humans with what seems like magical abilities. They also can take form as another living person or animal such as dogs and camels. Rarely do they take form as a smaller animal since death of the animal would lead to their own peril. Depending on their age, reputation and talent they can help with:
*** Manifestation of your wishes
*** Revenge/Retribution
*** Harm others without being seen
*** Cause arguments between spouses
*** They can bring luck to a certain extent
*** Some can aide in the banishing of another Djinn
*** Move of objects
*** Magical abilities

A prophet by the name of Sulaiman (PBUH) once ordered a djinn to bring him Queen Sheba’s throne and it stated it can do it before he stands. Djinns can travel to the lowest levels of heaven, even though it is dangerous for them to gather information spoken among angels. In the old days the heavens were not guarded. So many fortune tellers would use their djinn to gather info this way, but of course the djinn added his own lies to the conversation. But after the coming of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the heavens are now guarded and a djinn would be struck by meteorites/ flying stars if they tried to eavesdrop from the heavens.
“And we have guarded it (the Heavens) from every accursed devil, except one who is able to snatch a hearing and he is pursued by a brightly burning flame” Quran 15:18
A Djinn is not a game. Everyone wants one, everyone thinks they will be able to accomplish this or that. But in fact they are wrong. What you know of the Djinn is what you read on the internet or were told by some eBay seller or by garbage paranormal/metaphysical site and that information is FALSE. It is a gimmick for you to buy. Ever wonder if their claim were so true then why are they not the billionaires and have immense power as they claim you would, if you bought their one of a kind Djinn ?
Half of the things people want a Djinn to do; it won’t. Because if it was all that easy then the real conjurers around the world would be some of the most powerful people on this earth, have castles, power, money, etc. Yet most live in old villages and small houses charging people for their work. NO ? Go travel and see how correct I’m.
Can Djinn make you wealthy and powerful ? Sure. But there is more to it than just having a Djinn; many unlawful and haram (forbidden) things.


Home of Djinn or Jinn

If you’re sick, you go to the doctor. If your car breaks down, you go to a mechanic. When a person is affected by black magic or possession, who can they go to without being called crazy? Black magic and demonic possession exists and is all mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. I have helped people who are victims of black magic and related arts. If you are suffering from attacks & bad luck, I will lend a helping hand; all with the willingness of Allah. 
I have been in the paranormal field for 40 years. I have worked with Djinns and Demonic entities, performed exorcisms, cleared homes from such entities. I have knowledge about Qareen (Hamzaad) Mukalat as well and I am aware of the different kind of ritual used. I also perform spiritual work to help boost your success in areas such as money, love, luck & protection etc. My methods are ethical.
Over the years I have acquired many magical traits and I am making real & effective Talisman. My Talisman/Taweez/Amulet is not an ordinary one; I have spent years and years learning to do it in proper way, which at times can takes weeks to create one item. I assure you that you can get great results from a simple Islamic Talisman/Taweez/Amulet and Prayer to Allah. My skills have been learned from all over the globe.

 When I introduced myself on the internet, many doubted my work and me. Many compared me to other sellers who are nothing but con artists. It is an "everyday thing" for sellers to come on the internet; sell Djinn or two and then be gone. Depending on the extent of the problem and the making of an item to help one with the issue is not like "a day at the park". Some Talismans that are created by me to help one remove the effect of black magic with Allah's (swt) grace, can take me 21++ days to make. This would involve 2-3 hours of chanting for over a week. This would involve fasting (I had recently lost 11 pounds for a client of mine, due to the mere fact that the help I was trying to provide her resulted me in doing many days of fasting); calling upon Muwakill/Jinn or related entities to seek guidance (if needed). Preparing the item as all my items are handmade, everything written inside each Talisman/Taweez is hand written and some of the things that are written by hand are hundreds and hundreds of words long. Some are written on Animal skin; from there the item has to be prepared and so on. It is a very complicated process and it takes much of my time. So please do not compare me to the "other sellers" on the online who sell so called Talisman/Taweez/Amulet/Ring, Spiritual Entities & other metaphysical/spiritual object, product, spell and/or services. Please do not ask me to break up a couple because you think this male/female would rather be with you. I’m not here to sin or use my abilities wrongfully to make some money or to make you happy; that’s not me.
Helping someone with djinn/jinn/demonic possession, black magic/hex & spiritual illness/ailment is sad, but I'm so glad when I can help. It is so hard when you have an actual spiritual problem, but everyone else thinks you're crazy. That can make things so difficult. You feel so alone, so sad. You have no one to talk to and we human need communication with others. It helps, it eases the pain. When someone tells you, "It's all in your head", it can really hurt. I will help anyone I can, even if I feel my life is in jeopardy, I will still do everything I can to bring peace to that person. If that is how I am to die, then hamdulillah; so let it be. We don't have many years on earth. We will all pass away one day; therefore, I am not afraid of death. What I am afraid of is not helping enough people before I die. 
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